Friday, June 09, 2006

Greek Update

from Birth Control and Catholic teachings:

I did ask about the Greek in 1 Corinthians 7:5. My findings: in the most commonly used Greek version, there is no reference to fasting (although there is in some others) and the causality is very clear in the Greek. That is, you can abstain from sex for the purpose of prayer.

The man I asked about the Greek is a friend who is a campus minister at my alma mater, a very Godly man and a wonderful father. My husband and I both respect him very much, and when he started studying Greek a couple years back, he really got into it and it has helped him discover more about scripture. (Just so you have some background on my source.)

In relation to the last post: There probably are times when it is okay to avoid having children. Technically, the encyclicals allowing NFP (as conception control) do so only for "grave reasons"--but that's not how it is used, and that's how artificial contraceptives first became used in Protestant churches. But I don't think that you can say NFP is being "open to life" when its effectiveness is the same as the pill, and I don't see why it would matter that each act is open to life if the relationship is not.
The real problem is the original heart attitude. If you start out not wanting to have children, you'll find an excuse, but no matter how good it is, I do not think it will be good enough. If you start from a perspective of wanting to have kids, but then discover a very serious reason not to--such as a high probability of injury to yourself or your child, or financial problems which would prevent you from caring for that child--you are more likely to come to a conclusion which is acceptable. Being too young, being a newlywed, and fear of getting fat don't cut it. In the US and most of Europe, no financial problem is sufficient reason. Kids do not starve or go naked in the US. There is charitable support for those who need it.

Just curious--does anyone want me to blog on something particular? Or should I just keep stumbling along?


Blogger Young Christian Woman said...

Just a note on child spacing:

God planned child spacing. Children are always ten months apart. Breastfeeding makes it very likely that children will be over a year and a half apart. God's ideas on child spacing are better than mine.

5:06 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Blog on whatever interests you. Your passions, your concerns, your life - write about them!

On child-spacing....I breast-fed each exclusively until he was 6 mos., then added food, but continued nursing until at least 4 months along into the *next* pregnancy. We co-slept so the baby could have frequent night nursings (not uncommon to have the little one nurse 5 to 7 times in the night) and my first four children were 19 months, 24 months, and 22 months apart. Then I started miscarrying at least once in between each healthy pregnancy, but as time went on I miscarried more often, and also had one full-term still-born daughter. My 5th child is 30 months younger than his older sibling. The next is 33 months after him, and the youngest came along 49 months later. You just never know how God will space your babies!

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be interested in knowing how your friend thinks Gal 2:7-8 should be translated.

2:01 PM  
Blogger JacqueFromTexas said...

Hey- I got here from My Choice, His Life. I responded to one of your comments.

I agree! My boyfriend and I have talked about NFP for after we get married (if we do) and he said that simply not using artificial birth control (to which we are both violently opposed) is being 'open to life.' I disagreed, because when you choose what circumstances to avoid children, what values are you suggesting? If we are abstaining because we lack money, we are doubting God's provisions that He promises. If we abstain for lack of time or tiredness, we're too lazy for God to bless us further. Furthermore, like you said, Paul makes it clear that abstaining is for prayer only, not a monthly practice to prevent more blessing.

That's why I beleive grave considerations might be illnesses that would inhibit a healthy pregnancy/delivery or other truly grave concerns. Albeit, grave is subjective, but nonetheless a juridical mandate can't apply to all situations, so it's merciful that "grave" is not defined. Frankly, Catholics are expected to know better than to use NFP to practice dominion over the creation of life.

2:32 PM  

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