Thursday, June 29, 2006


I know it's been quite a while since I updated... sorry...

Part of what has kept me busy is the title of this post. I've always been a reader, but it's been quite a while since I got to a library--over a year, most likely. That comes from not having a license. Incidentally, that's another thing that kept me busy; I just finished driver's ed (at 23) and then I finished up all the stuff I'd been neglecting because of the ten-hour classes and the studying to pass all the tests that came between them. I think I'll do a second post on driving stuff after this.

I got twelve books out for two weeks, which was not the best idea (due to driver's ed). I did not finish them all. Tuesday, on the way to a church meeting (should post on that too) I was able to stop by the library and pick up something I'd been hoping for: interlibrary loan books.

What I did was search Amazon for books on my topic of interest (birth control and abortion and kids) and write down titles. I took the list to the library. So far they've found me eight books, some of which I've been hoping to read for months, like Randy Alcorn's books on the pill and abortion and A Full Quiver by the Hesses. Randy Alcorn's short (107 pages) book Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? was exactly what I was looking for and I plan to order it in bulk. (One for me, one for the pastor, one for the Church library, and a lot more to give out at church after the pastor's read it.) I don't know that I was quite as impressed with A Full Quiver, but I suspect that it's because I've already heard its conclusions advocated and made the decision to let God be the Lord of my womb. My reading selections from the previous week included Colin Powell's autobiography, Dave Peltzer's books, "Opposing viewpoints" books on abortion and teen pregnancy (the first, especially, was surprisingly good), a book on Roe vs. Wade (very disturbing; it seems somewhat likely that it's not about right and wrong, but which lawyers do a better job. Who knows how many cases have come down to the quality of the legal counsel?), Norma McCorvey's pre-conversion autobiography, and a book on prenatal child development. Now, with access to practically any book I want, it seems hard to justify light reading... Instead, I need to be reading stuff that can make an eternal difference. And if I like it enough, I'll buy at least two copies--one for me and one for the church. The loan books came from as close as my former college's library and as far as, in the case of the Alcorn book, South Carolina. I am very, very impressed with my library. My husband enjoyed showing off his library card, which is over 15 years old.

So if I neglect posting, hopefully it is because I am edifying my mind and then, hopefully, the body of Christ.


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