Through Christ, those of us who have accepted His saving gift of grace, the gift of His very life, are reconciled to God.
God's plan is to reconcile all the world to Him through we who are already reconciled. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation.
If you wish to be reconciled with God, you can be. "Sins" are the things you do which are against God's commands and his will. When we hate or judge others, when we put other things before our devotion to God, when we entertain thoughts of wrong things like sex with someone other than our spouse, stealing, or hurting another, we sin. As you can see, it is very difficult to avoid sinning; only one person managed to live his whole life without sinning. That person was Jesus Christ. Because of his sinless life, he could be a sacrifice to take away all our sins: all at once, for all time. He died on the cross, as predicted by many generations of prophets, and he took all the sins of the whole world upon him. Even your sins. Even though you weren't born yet. No matter what you've done. He took mine upon himself too. But Jesus didn't stay dead. He was not just a sacrifice to God, but the Son of God. Jesus Christ is God. So after he died, he defeated the power of Death and of Satan so that we would have no fear. He was willing to die a painful death for you and for me because although we were sinners--although we had not been born--he loved us.
Jesus has already died for you. Nothing can change that. All you need to do is accept the gift he has already given. If you accept that you are a sinner and that Christ died for you, taking all your sins, then you will be saved. You will die to this world--as Christ died--and instead have new life in Christ. Christ has gone to heaven to prepare a place there for those who believe in him. Someday those who believe in him and accept his love will be there forever with him.
If you do accept God's free gift of salvation, eternal life, and reconciliation to himself, try to find a local church that can help you understand more about Jesus' plan for your life. Those who do not find a group of other believers to help them grow closer to Jesus often find their newfound salvation forgotten as they become absorbed once more in the concerns of life on this world. In every faith that calls itself Christian, there are at least some good teachings and at least some people who are truly following God. The best way to find out if a church is based on Christ's teachings is to read his words yourself in the New Testament of the Bible.
I hope that in this blog I will be able to represent Christ, my Lord, to both those who agree with me and those who disagree, those who are Christians and those who are not. I will strive to base my opinions on God's word and research from Christian sources. I will avoid siding with a certain individual or political party without doing research, preferably from sources with different viewpoints. (Sometimes, however, this is difficult for me because some opinions on some subjects leave me feeling very angry.) Posts from me will be of several types:
-things going on in my life and my walk with Jesus
-things going on in the world
-things I see online that I agree with, that I disagree with, or that made me think
-things someone wants me to post about.
Feel free to comment if you want to hear my thoughts on something! I'll try to post on whatever people would like me to.